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8:00-10:30 Departure from Kiev
10:30-12:30 Arrival to Zhytomyr, excursion
Zhytomyr is a small city but with a rich history. Here had preserved the spirit and atmosphere of ancient times. The city stores a lot of unexplored and interesting. Zhytomyr is a city of churches and amazing architecture. Each of them played a major role in the city's history. The most famous buildings are: the House of Justice, museum of local Lore, Castle Hill, Holy Cross Church, Church of Hagia Sophia and the Ttansfiguration Cathedral.
Ukraine's only museum of space (named after S. Korolyov) is also located in Zhytomyr. Thanks to this scientist the whole world watched with bated breath for the first flight of Yuri Gagarin to the space. Inside the museum there is created the real "space" atmosphere. Appropriate music is playing, the original models of spacecraft are exhibited in the dark, as well as authentic astronauts’s belongings. Space food was packed in special tubes In weightlessness any morsel of food immediately flew off the table and could get into the lungs during inhalation. So, astronauts just squeezed the food from a tube directly into the mouth. The model of moonwalker is also exhibited in the museum. It is the very machine that flew to the Moon and examined the moon's surface.
13:00 Departure to Berdychev
14:00-16:00 Arrival to Berdychev, excursion
Berdychev is the old Jewish city. Historians date the birth of the city to the XV century, but the prosperity of Berdychev came in the early 17th century.. More than 150 years Berdychev was informal cultural and commercial capital of Ukraine. The Monastery of the Carmelites is the main attraction of Berdychev. It was built in 1627 by Janusz Tyshekevich.
There is also one of Jewish shrines located in Berdychev: the tomb of the leader of Hasidism tzaddik Leva Yitzhak Ben Meyer. Eevery year up to 3 thousand Jews come to visit and venerate his tomb.
Tthe Church of St. Barbara is considered to be the most famous architectural heritage of the golden age. Right there on March 14, 1850 there was the wedding of Onore de Balzac with Countess Evelina Hanska. The story of Cathedral is not only connected with the name of Balzac, but also with the great Polish composer Frederic Chopin. While living in Berdychev in the 20-ies. of XIX century, future great composer played in the church of St. Barbara and learned to play stringed instruments.
16:00 Departure to Kiev
18:30 Arrival to Kiev
Included: transportation; guide, entrances

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